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27x Real estate in Klein-Winternheim
Real estate in Klein-Winternheim. On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Real estate in Klein-Winternheim to rent or buy.
- Einfamilienhaus in 55246 Mainz-Kostheim, Alter KirschgartenHouses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 807.29 sqft
Usable area 193.75 sqft
Property 0.02 acre
US$ 242 63655246 Mainz-Kostheim
/Germany - Grundstück in 65474 Bischofsheim, Ringstr.Land / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.14 acre
US$ 349 33865474 Gau-Bischofsheim
/GermanyRelevance:(71.1 %)
Distanz: Kriftel Hessen (DE) ca. 17 km - Einfamilienhaus in 65474 Bischofsheim, Kantstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 947.22 sqft
Usable area 516.67 sqft
Property 0.1 acre
US$ 362 89465474 Bischofsheim
/Germany - Mehrfamilienhaus in 65474 Bischofsheim, Eleonorenstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 3831.95 sqft
Property 0.1 acre
US$ 771 67265474 Gau-Bischofsheim
/Germany - Wohn- u. Geschäftsgebäude in 65468 Trebur, Poststr.Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 1829.86 sqft
Property 0.15 acre
US$ 478 64565468 Trebur
/Germany - Etagenwohnung in 65428 Rüsselsheim, Im HasengrundApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 624.31 sqft
Property 0.66 acre
2 Room
US$ 177 27665428 Rüsselsheim
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - LUXURIÖSES WOHNEN, MIT GROßEN DACHTERRASSENApartments for sale
Living space 1463.89 sqft
Usable area 376.74 sqft
4 Room
US$ 942 38465189 Wiesbaden
27x eiendommer Saksonya Klein Winternheim. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Mainz-Kostheim to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Klein Winternheim to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Klein Winternheim can be found on reedb.com.Are you looking for a Real estate in Klein-Winternheim to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Real estate in Klein-Winternheim to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Real estate in Klein-Winternheim? You can offer your Real estate in Klein-Winternheim for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.