The real estate exposed requested by you is not unfortunately any longer in our real estate directory or it is't activ.
Possibly the also following real estate offers of other estate supplier correspond to your desires.
Similar real estate offers of the same supplier.
- 3-Zimmerwohnung (Zwangsversteigerung)Apartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 1194.79 sqft
US$ 216 64076185 Karlsruhe
/Germany - 2-Zimmerwohnung (Zwangsversteigerung)Apartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 635.07 sqft
US$ 97 48876185 Karlsruhe
/Germany - Zweifamilienhaus (Zwangsversteigerung)Two-family house Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 1388.54 sqft
Usable area 893.4 sqft
Property 0.13 acre
US$ 621,75676189 Karlsruhe
