The real estate exposed requested by you is not unfortunately any longer in our real estate directory or it is't activ.
Possibly the also following real estate offers of other estate supplier correspond to your desires.
- Wohnung 1/1, KFZ 1/1 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 56.46 sq.m
Au$ 309 4588074 Raaba-Grambach
/Austria - Wohnung top Nr. 4 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 57.53 sq.m
Au$ 171 7418020 Gries
/Austria - Wohnung top Nr. 8 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 65.43 sq.m
Au$ 223 5878020 Gries
/Austria - Wohnung 1/3, KFZ 1/2 & 1/9 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 89.76 sq.m
Au$ 511 9838074 Raaba-Grambach
/Austria - Wohnung 2/1, KFZ 2/1 & 2/2 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 102.37 sq.m
Au$ 597 8538074 Raaba
/Austria - Wohnung 2/6, KFZ 2/9 & 2/10 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 87.83 sq.m
Au$ 576 7918074 Raaba
/Austria - Wohnung 3/1, KFZ 3/4, 3/5, 4/1 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 100.90 sq.m
Au$ 599 4748074 Raaba-Grambach
/AustriaRelevance:(62.2 %)
Distanz: Österreich Bundesland Steiermark (at) ca. 24 km - Wohnung mit Nebenräumen - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Au$ 499,0218280 Fürstenfeld
/Austria - Wohnung W Stiege 3 Top 8 - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 93.23 sq.m
Au$ 192 8033364 Perbersdorf
/AustriaRelevance:(100 %) - Wohnungseigentumsobjekt - ZwangsversteigerungApartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 98.00 sq.m
Au$ 178 2228953 Irdning Donnersbachtal
/AustriaRelevance:(100 %)