Farm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Farm in the Aysén region, Patagonia, Chile

Farm in the Aysén region, Patagonia, Chile 

ID: PRa-CL-2900/1211070
#Farms #Ranches #ForSale #Coihaique #Chile
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EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
Farm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Farm in Chile zu verkaufen
Farm in Chile zu verkaufen
Farm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Farm in Chile zu verkaufenFarm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Farm in Patagonien zu verkaufenFarm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Patigonien Farm zu verkaufenFarm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Patagonien, Chile zu verkaufenFarm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | Farm zu verkaufenFarm / Ranch Coihaique for sale Chile | QR-Code

Farm / Ranch for sale
CLP 8 000 000 000 (≈ US$  8 624 000) 
CL-6000000 Coihaique
Aysen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo Region, Chile

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Property6.918,80 acre
The farm is located in the Aysén region, one of the most scenic areas of Chile. The extensive property comprises untouched nature with lakes, rivers, forests and open pastures. The location in a wind-protected valley provides a mild microclimate that is ideal for both agricultural and leisure activities.
Coyhaique: 142 km (approx. 2 hours' drive)
Balmaceda: 199 km
Santiago: 1,395 km
Roads accessible all year round via Coyhaique Alto or Villa Mañiguales
Airport123 miles
Three lakes, including Lake Bravo (35 hectares)
More than 7 km of riverbanks and internal roads
1,300 hectares of pastureland with a gentle slope (<15%)
Possible uses: Livestock farming, fruit growing (peaches, apricots, cherries), tourism
Flora: Coigüe, Lenga, Notro, Ciruelillo
Fauna: Rainbow trout, Chinook salmon, birdlife
Leisure: fly fishing, hiking, horse riding, cycling
No existing infrastructure, high flexibility for future developments

We have been successfully brokering real estate in Chile since 2004.

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