Wind power plant Alexandroupoli for sale Greece | 150 MW wind farm for sale in Greece

150 MW wind farm for sale in Greece 

ID: PJu-GR-W150/1178269
#WindPowerPlant #ForSale #Alexandroupoli #MacedoniaAndThrace #RegionOstmakedonienUndThrakien #Greece
Wind power plant Alexandroupoli for sale Greece | 150 MW Windpart COD
150 MW Windpart COD
Wind power plant Alexandroupoli for sale Greece | 150 MW Windpart CODWind power plant Alexandroupoli for sale Greece | QR-Code

Wind power plant for sale
€ 474 000 000 (≈ US$  513 437 000) 
GR-681 00 Alexandroupoli
Macedonia and Thrace, Greece

Contact owner

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A wind farm project with 150 MW in Greece is for sale, which is expected to be ready for construction by the end of 2024. The land for the project comes from the state and is leased on a long-term basis. This project offers an excellent opportunity to enter the renewable energy industry and benefit from the growing demand for sustainable energy sources. The strategic location in Greece provides optimal wind conditions and an attractive location for investment.
#RegionalbezirkEvros #RegionOstmakedonienundThrakien #MunicipalityofAlexandroupoli
Ready for construction: End of 2024
Land: State lease
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