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133x Land/Forestry Semi-detached house
Land/Forestry Semi-detached house . On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Land/Forestry Semi-detached house to rent or buy.
- Traben-Trarbach: Charmantes Wohnhaus mit Leibrente in ruhiger und sonniger Lage in ...Double / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1991.32 sqft
Property 0.09 acre
5 Bedroom
3 Bathroom
US$ 166 81256841 Traben-Trarbach
/GermanyRelevance:(86.7 %)
Distanz: Briedel Rheinland-Pfalz (DE) ca. 7 km - CHARMANTE DOPPELHAUSHÄLFTE MIT KOMFORTDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 764.24 sqft
Usable area 161.46 sqft
Property 0.01 acre
3 Room
US$ 171 14541363 Jüchen
/Germany - FIX AND FLIPPER AUFGEPASST: SANIERUNGSJUWELDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 968.75 sqft
Property 0.05 acre
5 Room
US$ 205 80884149 Velden
/Germany - FÜR HANDWERKER: 2 HÄUSER ZUM PREIS VON 1! (2 DHH)Double / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 2475.7 sqft
Property 0.25 acre
11 Room
US$ 211 22429565 Wriedel
/Germany - landwirtschaftliches Anwesen (Zwangsversteigerung)Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 2644.69 sqft
Property 14.76 acre
US$ 220 43166386 Sankt Ingbert
/GermanyRelevance:(82.2 %)
Distanz: Neunkirchen/Saar Saarland (DE) ca. 10 km - Developed Farm with 120 ha in Minas Geraisfor sale
Property 296.52 acre
US$ 224 619, net price37340-000 Estrada Mauá-Mirantão, Km 10
/BrazilRelevance:(100 %) - Gestaltbare DHH in WohneigentümergemeinschaftDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1119.45 sqft
Usable area 1345.49 sqft
Property 0.07 acre
6 Room
2 Bathroom
US$ 248 05252076 Aachen
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - Gemütlich & individuellDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1614.59 sqft
Property 0.06 acre
3 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 245 05874374 Zaberfeld
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - IHR NEUES ZUHAUSE MIT GESTALTUNGSSPIELRAUMDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1291.67 sqft
Property 0.05 acre
4 Room
US$ 254 55272810 Gomaringen
/Germany - FAMILIENFREUNDLICH IN GEFRAGTER LAGEDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1614.59 sqft
Property 0.04 acre
6 Room
US$ 258 88499091 Erfurt
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %)
133x Land/Forestry Semi detached house. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Traben-Trarbach to buy and rent Land/Forestry Semi detached house. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Traben-Trarbach to buy and rentAre you looking for a Land/Forestry Semi-detached house to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Land/Forestry Semi-detached house to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Land/Forestry Semi-detached house ? You can offer your Land/Forestry Semi-detached house for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.