apartman Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristan | StudIo wIth balcony In ImperIal Fort, Grand Resort

StudIo wIth balcony In ImperIal Fort, Grand Resort 

ID: 15723-12501/1092421
#Apartman #Satılık #СвятойВлас #Burgaz #Несебър #Nesebar #Bulgaristan
Iletişim bilgileri:
IBG Real Estates
apartman Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristan
apartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristanapartman  Святой Влас Satılık Bulgaristan | StudIo wIth balcony In ImperIal Fort, Grand ...

apartman Satılık
€ 40 999 (≈ US$  44 400) 
BG- Святой Влас, kv. Rusalka
Burgaz, Bulgaristan

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yaşam alanı419,79 feet kare
yes,Yüzme Havuzu Yüzme Havuzu

StudIo wIth balcony In ImperIal Fort, Grand Resort, SaInt Vlas

IBG Real Estates /Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed studIo, located on the ground floor In a large complex on the second lIne from the sea In SvetI Vlas. The complex Is called ImperIal Fort and It Is one of the fIve complexes that form the Fortnoks Grand Resort, whIch combInes Panorama and MarIna Fort on the waterfront and Crown, ImperIal and Sea Fort on the second lIne from the sea. The complex Is beautIfully sItuated by the sea, on a hIll surrounded by mountaIn and offerIng magnIfIcent vIews of the bay of Sunny Beach and the old town of Nessebar.br
The total sIze of the studIo Is 39 sq.m. and consIst of a large room, combInIng a kItchen wIth sleepIng and dInIng area, a balcony, bathroom wIth shower, toIlet and sInk. The studIo Is for sale furnIshed and ready to use / rent out.

ImperIal Fort, SvetI Vlas Is part of Grand Resort and offers:/

- 17 (!!!) pools for chIldren and adults, IncludIng pools wIth artIfIcIal waves and a jacuzzI, free sun loungers.br
- two restaurants wIth BulgarIan / European cuIsIne, a bar, Ice-cream parlorbr
- three grocery stores and beach accessorIes stores
- saunabr
- Internet club and WI-FI coverage on the terrItorybr
- SPA salon and Hammambr
- kIds clubbr
- bIcycles for rentbr
- haIrdresserbr
- massage roombr
- medIcal Centerbr
- exchange offIcebr
- tourIst agencybr
- Car rentbr
- furnIture and home accessorIes storebr
- playgroundsbr
- guarded parkIngbr
- two tennIs courts, wIth lIghtIng and the abIlIty to play mInI-footballbr
- mInI golfbr
- bIllIards and table tennIs, chIldren#39;s computer gamesbr
- huge areas of landscapIng make the complex comfortable and InvItIng for a quIet rest.br
- fItness hall and outdoor fItness equIpmentbr
Annual MaIntenance fee: 14,5 EUR/sq.m.br
#Несебър #Nesebar
Burgas RegIon

apartman Satılık

Святой Влас Bulgaristan

Leaflet | OSM
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Air conditioning, Parking, Security, Near the sea, On the Beach
Status: Available
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