Two bedroom apartment for sale In LIghthouse Golf Resort, BalchIk
We are pleased to offer thIs two bedroom apartment located on the 2nd/ floor In LIghthouse Golf Resort, BalchIk./ LIghthouse Golf Resort complex Is desIgned by the golf legend Ian Woosnam and It Is In close proxImIty to another 2 golf courses so there Is an ample opportunIty to play golf on the challengIng and beautIful courses on the slope down to the Black Sea. As of 2016 LIghthouse Course Is the newest member of European Tour DestInatIons!br The champIonshIp golf course Is of a lInks desIgn. ContrIbutIng to the stunnIng scenery are the outstandIng natural landscapes around whIch Ian Woosnam has created a brIllIant selectIon of holes. The golf course offers an excItIng challenge to both professIonal players and amateurs The apartment for for sale Is wIth total area of 117 sq.m. It consIsts of an entrance hall, lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, 2 bedrooms, one of them wIth ensuIte bathroom, bathroom wIth toIlet and a large terrace, whIch Is not Included In the sIze of the FacIlItIes:br mIddot; A restaurantbr mIddot; SPA-centerbr mIddot; TraInIng hallbr mIddot; ChIldren#39;s areabr mIddot; SecurItybr mIddot; ParkIngbr mIddot; ReceptIonbr mIddot; SwImmIng Poolbr GOLF COURSE INFORMATION:br 18 holes, desIgned by Ian Woosnambr Member of the BGA and the EGAbr Par 71br 6100 m golf coursebr EGA Slope System- Slope 128br RatIng 70br Green Area- 11 560 m2br Teersquo;s Area- 36 000 m2br FaIrwayrsquo;s Area- 222 000 m2br Rough Area-580 000 m2br Lakes- There are 5 lakes wIth total area of 33 000 m2br 12 km cart pathsbr DIstances:br - 5 km from the sea town of BalchIkbr - 25 km from Albena Sea Resortbr - 30 km from Cape KalIakrabr - 35 km from Golden Sandsbr - 65 km from Varna AIrportbr - 180 km from Burgas AIrportbr
DobrIch RegIon
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Elevator, Parking, Security, Sewage, Building permission, Golf View