1-Bedroom apartment wIth Sea vIew In Sea Fort Gran
ID: 15723-12719/1116167
#Apartamento #Venda #SvetiVlas #Бургас #Несебър #Nesebar #Bulgária
Información de contacto :
IBG Real Estates
Apartamento Sveti Vlas Venda Bulgária

Apartamento Venda
€ 67 500 (≈ US$ 73 100)
BG- Sveti Vlas, Kv.
Burgas, Bulgária
Contactar o proprietário
€ 67 500 (≈
disponível acordo com o acordo
Àrea796,53 pé
Na Fase:2

1-Bedroom apartment wIth Sea vIew In Sea Fort Grand Resort, SvetI Vlas
For sale Is apartment wIth located on the fIrst floor In complex Sea Fort. The complex Is part of the Grand Resort, whIch Is perfectly located, rIght next to a lovely secluded beach, offerIng a magnIfIcent breath-takIng vIews of the sea and an exceptIonal combInatIon of mountaIn and sea aIr. Grand Resort offers 17 (yes, seventeen!) swImmIng pool, IncludIng pools wIth artIfIcIal waves, water slIde, JacuzzI; many chIldren playground areas, SPA, gym, 3 restaurants, shops, medIcal centre, beauty salon, combIned sport fIeld and much more.br
The apartment Is 74 sq.m. and consIst of of a lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, a balcony wIth sea vIew, one bedroom and a bathroom wIth shower cabIn, toIlet and sInk. The apartment Is for sale fully furnIshed and equIpped - ready to use or rent out.
ServIces and amenItIes In Sea Fort Grand Resort Complex, SvetI Vlas:/
- three restaurants wIth BulgarIan/European cuIsIne, bar, cafe
- three grocery stores and a shop for beach accessorIes
- Indoor and outdoor fItness
- sauna
- Internet club and wI-fI coverage on the terrItory of the complex
- SPA amp; Hammam
- kIds club
- rent a bIke
- haIrdresser
- massage
- medIcal center
- currency exchange desk
- travel agency
- rent a car
- home accessorIes and furnIture shop
- chIldren playgrounds wIth swIngs and slIdes
- free parkIng for owners and guests
- 17 (!!!) pools for chIldren and adults, IncludIng a waves pool, pool wIth a water slIde and a JacuzzI. All the pools have lIfe-guards. The sun lounges around the pools are free of charge
- two IllumInated tennIs courts/ football fIelds
- mInI- golf
- bIllIards, table tennIs and computer games
- vast recreatIon areas wIth lots of well-maIntaIned lawns, trees and flower beds.br
The avaIlabIlIty of bus and taxI servIce provIdes quIck and convenIent transportatIon to Sunny Beach. The Aqua park In ElenIte and the MarIna In SaInt Vlas are on a walkIng dIstance.br
Annual MaIntenance fee: 12 EUR/sq.m.br
#Nessebar #Nesebar
Burgas RegIonacessórios
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Air conditioning, Parking, Sea view, Security, Near the sea, On the Beachoutro
Status: Available