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500+ Real estate in Baden-Württemberg
Real estate in Baden-Württemberg. On you will find a large selection of Real estate in Baden-Württemberg to rent or buy.
- Einfamilienhaus mit Einliegerwohnung in 88450 Berkheim, BrühlwegHouses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 188.00 sq.m
Usable area 119.00 sq.m
Property 979.00 sq.m
Au$ 1 174 39088450 Berkheim
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 74354 Besigheim, SchweikertgartenLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 637.00 sq.m
Au$ 2 181,0174354 Besigheim
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 74354 Besigheim, SteinenlochLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 1059.00 sq.m
Au$ 5 033,1074354 Besigheim
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 74354 Besigheim, Adlerstr.Land / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 3700.00 sq.m
Au$ 62 07474354 Besigheim
/Germany - BAUEN IN STÄDTISCHER TOP-LAGELand / Lots for sale
Property 303.00 sq.m
Au$ 406 00374354 Besigheim
/Germany - Zweifamilienhaus in 74862 Binau, Reichenbucher Str.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 275.00 sq.m
Property 1480.00 sq.m
Au$ 548 60774862 Binau
/Germany - GROßZÜGIGKEIT UND EXKLUSIVITÄT FÜR UNTERNEHMERCompany, Commercial object for sale
Living space 165.00 sq.m
Usable area 655.00 sq.m
Property 1572.00 sq.m
5 Room
Au$ 2 499 77379589 Binzen
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 97834 Birkenfeld, In der WilleicheLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 4676.00 sq.m
Au$ 8 354,9597834 Birkenfeld
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 97834 Birkenfeld, SchinselLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 6314.00 sq.m
Au$ 17 49097834 Birkenfeld
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 97834 Birkenfeld, Greußenheimer BodenLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 18389.00 sq.m
Au$ 37 07797834 Birkenfeld
500+ Processo de licitação Baden Württemberg. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Berkheim to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Baden Württemberg to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Baden Württemberg can be found on you looking for a Real estate in Baden-Württemberg to rent or buy? On you will find a large selection of Real estate in Baden-Württemberg to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Real estate in Baden-Württemberg? You can offer your Real estate in Baden-Württemberg for rent or purchase directly on