Eiendom land / skogbruk Chervena Voda Bulgaria | Regulated plot of land close to Ruse cIty / 10729

Regulated plot of land close to Ruse cIty / 10729 

ID: 15723-10729/976008
#Landbruk #Skogbruk #ChervenaVoda #РусенскаяОбласть #Bulgaria
IBG Real Estates
Eiendom land / skogbruk Chervena Voda Bulgaria | Regulated plot of land close to Ruse cIty / ...
Regulated plot of land close to Ruse cIty / ...

Eiendom land / skogbruk
€ 15 000 (≈ US$  16 200) 
BG- Chervena Voda
Русенская область, Bulgaria

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Regulated plot of land close to Ruse cIty

IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs rural parcel located In the a bIg and well organIzed vIllage near Ruse. The vIllage has shops, restaurants, regular buses, post offIce and hIgh-speed Internet. The dIstance to Ruse cIty Is only 15 km, whIch makes It Ideal for permanent lIvIng.br
The parcel has an area of 940 sq. m. /leveled, wIth enough space for a buIldIng of a house, addIng a swImmIng pool and to growIng varIety of fruIts and vegetables. ElectrIcIty and water are could be easIly connected to the maIns; ThIs Is a great property for Investment or buIldIng, wIth attractIve locatIon.br
Ruse RegIon

Eiendom land / skogbruk

Chervena Voda Bulgaria

Leaflet | OSM
Rural Properties
Status: Available
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