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500+ Commercial real estate
Commercial real estate . On you will find a large selection of Commercial real estate to rent or buy.
- Lager, Produktion & Büro: Vielseitige Gewerbeflächen ab 400 bis 3500m² in PforzheimCompany, Commercial object for rent
Living space 9687.52 sqft
Price on request.75179 Pforzheim
/Germany - HELL UND GROSSZÜGIGOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 2131.25 sqft
Price on request.8222 Beringen
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(66.7 %)Commission-free - INDOORFLÄCHE: AUSSTELLUNG ODER FITNESSSTUDIO?Company, Commercial object for rent
2 Room
Price on request.54568 Gerolstein
/Germany - VIELE MÖGLICHKEITEN INKL WERKSTATTCompany, Commercial object for rent
Usable area 50708.78 sqft
Property 1.24 acre
Price on request.48356 Nordwalde
/Germany - OASE FÜR KREATIVESBusiness premises for rent
Usable area 979.52 sqft
1 Room
Price on request.70173 Stuttgart
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - IHR NEUER RAUM FÜR INSPIRATIONBusiness premises for rent
Usable area 914.93 sqft
1 Room
Price on request.71229 Leonberg
/Germany - LUMINEUX ET POLYVALENTBusiness premises for rent
Usable area 818.06 sqft
1½ Room
Price on request.1207 Genève
/Switzerland - PREISWERT IN ZENTRALER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 1162.5 sqft
3 Room
Price on request.5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer
/Austria - RENDITEOBJEKT: TEILBAR, ZENTRAL, ZUGÄNGLICHCompany, Commercial object for sale
Usable area 21.53 sqft
Property 1.09 acre
5 Room
Price on request.31246 Lahstedt
Usable area 1184.03 sqft
4 Room
Price on request.4600 Olten
500+ Commercial real estate Multi family Double/Terraced, houses. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Pforzheim to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Multi family to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Multi family can be found on you looking for an Commercial real estate to rent or buy? On you will find a large selection of Commercial real estate to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Commercial real estate ? You can offer your Commercial real estate for rent or purchase directly on