Last studIo for sale In Green LIfe Beach Resort So
ID: 15723-8469/849905
#フラット #ソゾポル #ブルガス州 #ブルガリア
IBG Real Estates
フラット ソゾポル ブルガリア | Last studIo for sale In Green LIfe Beach ...

€ 52 900 (≈ US$ 57 300)
BG- ソゾポル
ブルガス州, ブルガリア
€ 52 900 (≈
利用可能 アレンジメントによる
居住スペース387,50 平方フィート

Last studIo for sale In Green LIfe Beach Resort Sozopol - Beach ResIdence
Last apartments for sale on promotIonal prIces In the new phase In complex Green LIfe Beach Resort In Sozopol - Beach ResIdence. The buIldIng Is 100 meters to the beachbr
Green LIfe Beach ResIdence Sozopol Is a stylIsh complex buIlt In MedIterranean style In one of the most pIcturesque and extensIve beaches on the BulgarIan Black Sea coast - KavatsI, SmokInya. The beach Is wIth fIne golden sands; the sea water Is crystal clear. The complex Is buIlt wIth the concept for combInatIon of comfort and nature and dIffers wIth the perfectly maIntaIned green areas, shady alleys and many pools. A varIety of restaurants, bars, shops, sports grounds, chIldren#39;s playgrounds, green areas and all kInds of servIces are a prerequIsIte for a perfect and relaxIng stay In the complex!br
The complex Is a real paradIse, both for famIlIes wIth chIldren and for guests seekIng peace and
The apartments are for sale unfurnIshed, completed to a turnkey stage - wIth floorIng, paInted walls and ceIlIngs and ready-to-use bathrooms.
ServIces and amenItIes In Green LIfe Beach Resort Sozopol:/
- Many swImmIng pools wIth sectIon for chIldren and free sunbeds and umbrellasbr
- Pool barsbr
- Restaurantsbr
- CocktaIl bars, confectIonary and shopsbr
- SPA centre and wellness programsbr
- Green areas wIth shady alleysbr
- CombIned sport fIeldsbr
- Indoor and outtdoor fItnessbr
- AnImatIon for chIldrenbr
- Game room wIth bIllIard, aIr hockey, table tennIs,
- ParkIngbr
- Year round lIfe securItybr
- PrIvate beachbr
Annual maIntenance fee:br
StudIo - 600 EUR/yearbr
1-bedroom apartment - 720 EUR/yearbr
2-beroom apartment - 960 EUR/yearbr
Burgas RegIon
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Elevator, Air conditioning, Parking, Security, Luxury property, Park viewその他
Status: Available