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500+ Real estate in Germany
Real estate in Germany. On you will find a large selection of Real estate in Germany to rent or buy.
- Haus in 07952 Pausa, Ortsstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.13 acre
US$ 32 49607952 Pausa
/GermanyRelevance:(68.9 %)
Distanz: Schleiz Thüringen (de) ca. 19 km - Haus in 56825 Beuren, Unterdorfstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.34 acre
US$ 31 28456825 Beuren
/Germany - Einfamilienhaus in 06456 Arnstein, Hardenbergstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 818.06 sqft
Property 0.13 acre
US$ 32 49606456 Mehringen
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - Grundstück in 44789 Bochum, Kleine Ehrenfeldstr.Land / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.47 acre
US$ 32 49644789 Bochum
/GermanyRelevance:(88.9 %)
Distanz: Bochum Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) (DE) ca. 6 km - Einfamilienhaus in 03249 Sonnewalde, DorfangerHouses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 2507.99 sqft
Property 0.53 acre
US$ 31 28403249 Sonnewalde
/Germany - Laden in 09113 Chemnitz, Winklerstr.Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.12 acre
US$ 31 28409113 Chemnitz
/Germany - Einfamilienhaus in 35075 Gladenbach, Bergstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 1442.36 sqft
Property 0.07 acre
US$ 31 28435075 Gladenbach
/GermanyRelevance:(88.9 %)
Distanz: Bad Endbach Hessen (DE) ca. 6 km - Zwangsversteigerung Garage in 81669 München, St.-Cajetan-Str.Other one Auction: estimated, market value
Property 1.44 acre
US$ 32,49681669 München
/Germany - Mehrfamilienhaus in 19370 Parchim, Stegemannstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 2185.07 sqft
Property 0.09 acre
US$ 32 49619370 Parchim
/Germany - Grundstück in 18273 Güstrow, Zu den WiesenLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 0.05 acre
US$ 31 59618273 Güstrow
500+ gewerbeimmobilie, betriebsobjekt, gewerbebetrieb Germany Foreclosures. Real estate, houses, flats and plots in Germany, Pausa to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots germany to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots germany can be found on you looking for a Real estate in Germany to rent or buy? On you will find a large selection of Real estate in Germany to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Real estate in Germany? You can offer your Real estate in Germany for rent or purchase directly on