Agriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat Brésil | EUCALYPTUS FARM WITH 2200 HA IN BARREIRAS, BAHIA


reedb-id: 635336
#Agriculture #Sylviculture #Achat #Barreiras #Pará #MesorregiãoBaixoAmazonas #MicrorégionD'almeirim #RégionNord #Brésil
Information de contacte :
Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Hahn
Economista (FAAP Sao Paulo/UN Duisburg-Essen)
Consultoria e Assessoria em Agronegócios e Imobiliária

Hahn Immobilien- und Anlageberatung Brasilien
(I) Gartenstraße 14, 09376 Oelsnitz, Deutschland/Germany
(II) Viaduto Nove de Julho 164, 01050-060 Sao Paulo, Brazil


Tel.: +049(37298) 2445
Whatsapp/Cel: +49 151 68159883/+055(11)96428 3955
Gewerberegister Chemnitz 14511000
USt-IdNr.: DE65838792106
Agriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat Brésil
Agriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat BrésilAgriculture/Sylviculture Barreiras Achat Brésil | QR-CODE ...

Agriculture/Sylviculture Achat
R$ 22 000 000 (≈ US$  3 801 000) Prix net 
BR-47800-130 Barreiras
Pará, Brésil

Contacter le propriétaire

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 Toutes les offres du fournisseur
Terrain5.436,20 acre
Surface utile193.750.387 pieds carré
Large Farm with ample production conditions, with soils that accept various types of investment. The farm has
2,200 hectares and 1,800 hectares are open. The open areas were planted with eucalyptus and harvested
three years ago and are currently being prepared for future plantations. The farm contains a simple main
hause, shed and an artesian well (10 thousand liters / h). The land is completely documented and
georeferenced. Distance from the city of Barreiras-BA 23 km and the airport only 18 km. In the neighborhoud
there are mostly soy, coffee and eucalyptus farms.

There is currently no electric power in the property. Price Orientation: 10.000 R$/ha. Form of payment 40% of
entry and the other 60% during 7 years converted into sacks of soy. Obs: Land is located in Serra da Bandeira
with easy access and good logistics.
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