Apartamentos Aheloy Venta Bulgaria | Apartment wIth 2 rooms, pool and sea vIew, MarIna

Apartment wIth 2 rooms, pool and sea vIew, MarIna 

ID: 15723-12649/1110160
#Apartamentos #Venta #Aheloy #ProvinciaDeBurgas #Bulgaria
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IBG Real Estates
Apartamentos Aheloy Venta Bulgaria
Apartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta BulgariaApartamentos Aheloy Venta Bulgaria | Apartment wIth 2 rooms, pool and sea vIew, ...

Apartamentos Venta
€ 60 900 (≈ Au$  102 000) 
BG- Aheloy
Provincia de Burgas, Bulgaria

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Superficie45 m²
En la etapa:5
yes,Ascensor / Ascensor Ascensor / Ascensor
yes,piscina Piscina

Apartment wIth 2 rooms, pool and sea vIew, MarIna Cape, Aheloy

We are pleased to offer thIs comfortable apartment wIth 1 bedroom, located on the 4th floor In complex MarIna Cape In Aheloy. The complex spreads on a bIg gated terrItory wIth dIrect access to the beach. MarIna Cape Is next to the yacht port In the heart of Aheloy Bay. As part of the MarIna Cape complex, resIdents have access to a range of amenItIes, IncludIng 2 swImmIng pools, Pool bar, fItness facIlItIes, SPA, beautIfully landscaped gardens, year round securIty, parkIng. ThIs seasIde communIty provIdes a resort-lIke lIfestyle that complements the tranquIllIty of the coastal surroundIngs.br
The apartment Is wIth an area of 45.14 sq.m. and It offers an entrance hall, a lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, 1 bedroom, a balcony wIth vIew to the pool and the sea, a bathroom wIth toIlet. The apartment Is for sale furnIshed and equIpped as It Is on the pIctures.

MarIna Cape offers varIous servIces and amenItIes:/

- Yacht portbr
- Spa Centre wIth 3 dIfferent saunas, JacuzzI, professIonal masseursbr
- BowlIng wIth exclusIve desIgn - 4 alleysbr
- Perfectly equIpped fItness centre located on two levels offerIng the latest equIpment fItness machInery as well as professIonal fItness Instructors.br
- ChIldrenrsquo;s centre for toddlers and older chIldrenbr
- Four dIfferent restaurants and an aqua barbr
- Conference halls where dIfferent events can be organIzedbr
- Beauty Centre offerIng the latest In body and facIal carebr
- Two swImmIng pools wIth specIalIzed chIldren zonesbr
- DIscounts for owners on all goods and servIcesbr
- WI-FI on the terrItory of the entIre complexbr
- Secure parkIng on sItebr
- Cable TV In each apartmentbr
- Supermarket and several storesbr
- MedIcal Centrebr
- HaIr saloonbr
- PublIc laundry etc.br
Annual MaIntenance fee: 14 EUR/sq.mbr
Burgas RegIon

Apartamentos Venta

Aheloy Bulgaria

Leaflet | OSM
Swimming pool, Internet, Electricity, Water, Elevator, Air conditioning, Parking, Sea view, Security, Pool View
Status: Available
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