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19x Commercial plot
Commercial plot . On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Commercial plot to rent or buy.
- POUR COMMERCE ET HABITATIONCommercial building site for sale
Usable area 16199.69 sqft
Property 0.74 acre
Price on request.1920 Martigny
/Switzerland - GROßZÜGIG, TEILBAR MIT BEBAUUNGSPLANCommercial building site for sale
Property 2.25 acre
US$ 41,16/m²04509 Schönwölkau
/Germany - GEWERBEGRUNDSTÜCK IN EXPONIERTER LAGECommercial building site for sale
Property 0.4 acre
US$ 574,10/m²79591 Eimeldingen
/Germany - EINGEZÄUNT UND VIELSEITIG NUTZBARCommercial building site for rent
Property 0.09 acre
US$ 1 112,604542 Luterbach
/SwitzerlandCommission-free - ATTRAKTIVER STANDORT FÜR IHR GEWERBECommercial building site for sale
Property 0.22 acre
1 Room
US$ 92 07206118 Halle
/Germany - GRUNDSTÜCK IM NEU ENTSTEHENDEN GEWERBEPARKCommercial building site for sale
Property 0.92 acre
US$ 119 15206917 Jessen (Elster)
/Germany - IHR NEUES GESCHÄFT IN GEFRAGTER LAGECommercial building site for sale
Property 0.13 acre
US$ 215 55622946 Trittau
/Germany - bebaute Gewerbegrundstücke (Zwangsversteigerung)Commercial building site Auction: estimated, market value
Property 2.15 acre
US$ 238 30488639 Wald
/Germany - OPTIMALE GELEGENHEIT FÜR IHR GESCHÄFTSVORHABENCommercial building site for sale
Property 0.49 acre
US$ 292 46423858 Reinfeld (Holstein)
/GermanyRelevance:(83.4 %) - IHR START IN EIN NEUES ABENTEUERCommercial building site for sale
Property 0.9 acre
US$ 352 04031552 Apelern
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %)
19x Real estate Commercial plot. Real estate, houses, flats and plots to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots real estate to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots real estate can be found on reedb.com.Are you looking for an Commercial plot to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Commercial plot to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Commercial plot ? You can offer your Commercial plot for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.