Agent Portal
MenuRuntime dataFilterWhite- & BlacklistProtocolTips & TricksFAQAgent Portal White- & Blacklist:
With the White-or Black-List you can explicitly integrate or exclude offers. These two lists will be considered separately, regardless of any other settings.
With the blacklist, it is possible to exclude a offer across the board for the current portal, for example, If there is already applied by the owner.
The whitelist is designed to send a specific offer explicitly to a portal. This information is only useful, if either a filter that specified, a limit or restriction has been set by the portal.
If you have limited the number of tenders for the transfer, but you are specified in the whitelist more offers, the offers for the transfer will be selected at random only from the listed deals.

(1) To view tenders, add the desired value (optional with * as a wildcard).
Example, if you add ber*, to find Berlin as well as Berne.
(2) Indicate, where the value should be contained.(3) And view the offers from the database.
(4) The match offers are listed.
(5) Using(») to add this offer to the listing.
(6) List of offers which are treated separately.
(7) To remove offers from the listing, click on(«).