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6x Investment in Kalletal
Investment in Kalletal. On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Investment in Kalletal to rent or buy.
- Hotel in 32602 Vlotho, Detmolder Str.Auction: estimated, market value
Property 9364.00 sq.m
€ 80 00032602 Vlotho
/Germany - Wohn- u. Geschäftsgebäude in 32699 Extertal, Bahnhofstr.Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 125.00 sq.m
Property 417.00 sq.m
€ 35 00032699 Extertal
/Germany - Wohn- u. Geschäftsgebäude in 32699 Extertal, Bahnhofstr.Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 252.00 sq.m
Property 1324.00 sq.m
€ 151 00032699 Extertal
/Germany - Wohn- u. Geschäftsgebäude in 32105 Bad Salzuflen, Brüderstr.Auction: estimated, market value
Property 240.00 sq.m
€ 163 00032105 Bad Salzuflen
/GermanyRelevance:(60 %)
Distanz: Bielefeld Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) (DE) ca. 26 km - GERÄUMIGES ANWESEN MIT REICHEM FREIZEITANGEBOTfor sale
Living space 280.00 sq.m
Property 679.00 sq.m
11 Room
€ 250 00032683 Barntrup
/GermanyRelevance:(86.7 %)
Distanz: Extertal Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) (de) ca. 7 kmGarden - Läden/SB-Märkte in 31683 Obernkirchen, Rathenaustr.Auction: estimated, market value
Property 356.00 sq.m
€ 40 00031683 Obernkirchen
6x Investment Rhénanie du nord westphalie (nrw) Kalletal. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Vlotho to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Kalletal to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Kalletal can be found on reedb.com.Are you looking for an Investment in Kalletal to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Investment in Kalletal to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Investment in Kalletal? You can offer your Investment in Kalletal for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.