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313x Double / Terraced houses
Double / Terraced houses . On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Double / Terraced houses to rent or buy.
- GENIEßEN SIE DIE RUHE UND DEN GARTENDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 322.92 sqft
Property 0.07 acre
2 Room
US$ 71 95317094 Groß Nemerow
/Germany - GEMÜTLICHE WOHLFÜHLOASE MIT CHARAKTERDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1130.21 sqft
Property 0.02 acre
3 Room
US$ 72 99699885 Ohrdruf
/Germany - OASE DER RUHE: IHR GARTENPARADIESDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 807.29 sqft
Property 0.36 acre
3 Room
US$ 78 21017154 Neukalen
/Germany - SEHEN SIE DAS POTENZIAL!Double / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 968.75 sqft
Property 0.01 acre
4 Room
US$ 82 3814933 Wildenau
/Austria - BRIEDEL: Teilweise vermietetes Wohn - und - Geschäftshaus in zentraler Lage von ...Double / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1076.39 sqft
Usable area 861.11 sqft
Property 0.04 acre
2 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 95,93756867 Briedel
/Germany - Reihenmittelhaus (Zwangsversteigerung)Double / Terraced houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 828.82 sqft
Property 0.02 acre
US$ 100 10806406 Bernburg (Saale)
/GermanyRelevance:(97.8 %)
Distanz: Bernburg Sachsen-Anhalt (de) ca. 1 km - Mitten im Dorf! 2-Familienhaus mit großer Scheune zum AusbauDouble / Terraced houses for sale
Living space 1076.39 sqft
Property 0.07 acre
2 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
US$ 103 23772525 Münsingen
/Germany - Reihenhaus mit Garage (Zwangsversteigerung)Double / Terraced houses Auction: estimated, market value
US$ 104 28029303 Bergen
/Germany - Zweifamilienhaus mit PKW-Garage (Zwangsversteigerung)Double / Terraced houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 1871.09 sqft
Property 0.12 acre
US$ 110 53666115 Saarbrücken
/GermanyGarden - Reihenmittelhaus (Zwangsversteigerung)Double / Terraced houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 904.17 sqft
US$ 112 51866706 Perl
313x hotels catering Room Shared flat Double/Terraced, houses. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Groß Nemerow to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Room Shared flat to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Room Shared flat can be found on reedb.com.Are you looking for an Double / Terraced houses to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Double / Terraced houses to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Double / Terraced houses ? You can offer your Double / Terraced houses for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.