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13x Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia
Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia. On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia to rent or buy.
- IHR START IN EIN NEUES ABENTEUERCommercial building site for sale
Property 0.9 acre
US$ 352 04031552 Apelern
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - GROßZÜGIGE FLÄCHE FÜR IHR UNTERNEHMENCompany, Commercial object for sale
Living space 1291.67 sqft
Usable area 21743.1 sqft
Property 1.03 acre
11 Room
US$ 4 113 99330827 Garbsen
Usable area 1474.66 sqft
5 Room
US$ 604 42530161 Hannover
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - IHR NEUER STANDORT FÜR ERFOLGCompany, Commercial object for rent
Usable area 4843.76 sqft
US$ 5 686,8049176 Hilter am Teutoburger Wald
/Germany - HALLENKOMPLEX MIT FREIFLÄCHEN UND WIESECompany, Commercial object for sale
Living space 1097.92 sqft
Usable area 19805.6 sqft
Property 2.83 acre
5 Room
US$ 888 22431241 Ilsede
/GermanyRelevance:(73.3 %)
Distanz: Schellerten Niedersachsen (DE) ca. 16 km - RENDITEOBJEKT: TEILBAR, ZENTRAL, ZUGÄNGLICHCompany, Commercial object for sale
Usable area 21.53 sqft
Property 1.09 acre
5 Room
Price on request.31246 Lahstedt
/Germany - GEWERBEMÖGLICHKEITEN ZENTRAL IN NORDHORNCompany, Commercial object for sale
Living space 1076.39 sqft
Usable area 16145.87 sqft
Property 1.07 acre
7 Room
US$ 1 083 20048529 Nordhorn
/Germany - MIETKAUF MÖGLICH! Kpl. Etage von 146 m² als Büro o.Praxis mitten in Osterode zu ...Office/ Practice for sale
Office space 1568.84 sqft
Property 0.1 acre
11 Room
US$ 92 80937520 Osterode am Harz
/GermanyRelevance:(58.5 %) - PRODUKTIONSHALLE MIT KRÄNEN, BÜRO + MÖGLICHKEITENCompany, Commercial object for rent
Usable area 23680.6 sqft
Property 0.91 acre
Price on request.26871 Papenburg
/Germany - Büro- und Produktionsgebäude (Zwangsversteigerung)Company, Commercial object Auction: estimated, market value
Usable area 64292.84 sqft
Property 1.97 acre
US$ 9 824 62437124 Rosdorf
13x Commercial real estate Investments Baixa Saxónia. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Apelern to buy and rent Real estate, houses, flats and plots Baixa Saxónia to buy and rent. Top current houses, apartments, commercial properties and plots Baixa Saxónia can be found on reedb.com.Are you looking for an Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia? You can offer your Commercial real estate in Baixa Saxónia for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.