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reedb-id: 627346
Contact information:

Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Hahn
Economista (FAAP Sao Paulo/UN Duisburg-Essen)
Consultoria e Assessoria em Agronegócios e Imobiliária

Hahn Immobilien- und Anlageberatung Brasilien
(I) Gartenstraße 14, 09376 Oelsnitz, Deutschland/Germany
(II) Viaduto Nove de Julho 164, 01050-060 Sao Paulo, Brazil



Tel.: +049(37298) 2445
Whatsapp/Cel: +49 151 68159883/+055(11)96428 3955
Gewerberegister Chemnitz 14511000
USt-IdNr.: DE65838792106 

Land/Forestry for sale
R$ 10 500 000 (≈ US$  1 695 000) net price 
BR-37890-000 Luís Tristão
Minas Gerais, Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil

Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil
Land/Forestry Luís Tristão for sale Brazil | QR-CODE ...
yes,Commission-free Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
keine Käuferprovision
Available immediately
Property711,65 acre
Address of the property: Rod. Vicinal Muzambinho – Caconde, Km 9 – Bairro Campestre, Muzambinho – MG;

Geographical coordinates: Lat. 21 ° 23’54.16 “S Lon. 46 ° 35’33.63 “W

Characteristics of the Property and its Surroundings:

The farm is subdivided into 8 distinct matriculas with approximately 288 ha total area. There are several
houses (main private home etc.) and storages. The productive areas are sub-divided into coffee plantations
and pastures.

It is worth noting that the region is a major producer of spices and differentiated coffee, including the farm
itself and can be considered a pioneer in the production of specialty coffees – mainly due to the favorable
location, with the crops situated at more than 1100 meters of altitude and its instalments at 1020 meters of
The Farm has also been certified by two certifiers, since the year 2010 (Certifica Minas, UTZ)

Crop data:
Average Age: 12 years
3607 plants / ha
Spacing: 3×1 average
Production: 30sc average
Prediction of harvest for the year 2018 – 2800 scs of coffee.

The fazenda specializes on the production of high quality spice coffee, having participated already in several
regional and federal competitions. The produced coffee has been ranked among the 150 best coffees in Brazil.

Complete Documentation in order and up to date. Harvest projections and production details for 2018 are
available and can be sent on request.

Land/Forestry for sale

37890-000 Luís Tristão Brazil

Leaflet | OSM
All data are approx. Data.