Barra do Itariri 20.000 m² for sale - 12029
ID: 12029-K/552303
#BuildingGround #ForSale #BarraDoItariri #Bahia #MesorregiãoDoNordesteBaiano #MicrorregiãoDeEntreRios #RegiãoNordeste #Brazil
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
building ground Barra do Itariri for sale Brazil | Brasilien Bahia Barra do Itariri Grundstück am Meer
building ground for sale
R$ 260 000 (≈ Au$ 67 000)
BR-48300-000 Barra do Itariri
Bahia, Brazil
R$ 260 000 (≈
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer
Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
Frei /
Frei /
Available according to agreement
Property220.611 sq.m
Barra do Itariri - Conde - Bahia - Brazil Farm plot Land for saleBrazil property by the sea free of commission for buyers: Plot of land with 22.0611 ha (3,450,000 BRL) flat area, almost square, 50 meters from the sea in Barra do Itariri, for sale. 6,531 m² for access to the sea. Easy access by road. Ideal for house, villa or condominium, hotel pousada or farm fazenda, with plantation of coconut palms. Newly surveyed in 2023.
The plot has been parceled and you can now buy 20,000 sqm for 260,000 BRL.
#MicrorregiãodeEntreRios #MesorregiãodoNordesteBaiano #RegiãoNordeste
135 km north of Salvador International Airport 35 km north of the Sauipe Coast.Other
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