Sineu, nestled in the heart of Mallorca, is a picturesque village that maintains its historic charm and traditional character. Surrounded by a serene rural landscape of fields and hills, it offers the perfect retreat for those seeking peace and quiet in the island's interior. The village’s rich gastronomy, featuring local specialties such as
frito mallorquín and sausages like
sobrasada, can be enjoyed in its restaurants and cellars. With its central location, Sineu serves as an ideal base for exploring the island, whether you're heading to its beautiful beaches or the stunning Serra de Tramuntana mountains.
<ul><li>Beach: 21.6 km - Can Picafort</li><li>Airport: 33.3 km - Palma de Mallorca</li><li>Golf Course: 33.3 km - Pollença Golf Club</li><li>Town: 0.072 km - Sineu</li><li>Train Station: 0.6 km - Sineu</li><li>Bus Stop: 0.6 km - Sineu</li><li>Ferry: 39.4 km - Port d'Alcúdia</li><li>Hospital: 13.8 km - Hospital Comarcal d'Inca</li></ul>