Hydroelectric power plants with 1700 kW in Bosnia Share Deal
ID: PNz-WA-1700/1208116
#HydroelectricPlant #ForSale #Đurđevići #RepublikaSrpska #OpštinaMilići #BosniaHerzegovina
Hydroelectric plant Đurđevići for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Wasserkraftwerk zu verkaufen
Hydroelectric plant for sale
€ 6 120 000 (≈ Au$ 10 268 000)
BA-75446 Đurđevići
Republika Srpska, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Contact owner
€ 6 120 000 (≈
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer
Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
Frei / www.efg-immo.com
Frei / www.efg-immo.com
Available according to agreement
A company that owns two high-performance hydropower plants is for sale. The plants were commissioned in 2017 and 2021 and are located in the entity of Srbska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both plants use modern Pelton turbine technology and are designed for high efficiency with minimal operating costs.The concessions for both plants have a term of 50 years, which ensures long-term planning and yield security. The possible integration of battery storage can further optimize economic efficiency, as the energy can be sold at the best tariff times.
Plant 1:
Output: 850 kW
Turbine type: Pelton
Pipe length: 3,013 m
Annual production: 2.5 - 2.75 million kWh
Concession: 50 years
Plant 2:
Output: 850 kW (580 + 270 kW)
Turbine type: Pelton
Pipe length: 2,435 m
Annual production: 2.5 - 2.75 million kWh
Concession: 50 years
#OpštinaMilići #OpštinaMilići
Energy trading: Via the EU exchange, with access to competitive market prices.Expansion potential: Coupling of the two plants with battery storage to sell energy more profitably at peak times.
Efficient technologies: Pelton turbines and optimized line lengths for maximum energy yield.
Maintenance and personnel costs: Low, approx. 8% of revenue.
Tax rate: Flat rate of 10% on profits in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Return: Long-term investment with stable income through guaranteed production and ideal energy trading.
Term of concessions: 50 years, ideal for investors with a long-term focus.Location advantage: Geographically favorable location for the operation of hydropower plants and potential expansion with battery storage.
Profitability: The combination of modern technology and battery storage offers a future-proof solution for maximum profitability.
These two hydropower plants offer an excellent opportunity to invest in sustainable energy with long-term yield security. Please let me know if you require further information or adjustments.
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