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Property in the Aysén region (Patagonia), Chile 

ID: PRa-CL-178/1200407
Contact information:

EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003 

Forest for sale
€ 1 780 000 (≈ US$  1 928 000) basis for negotiation 
CL-6060000 Río Ibáñez
Aysen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo Region, Chile

Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | Grundstück Chile/Patagonien zu verkaufen

Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile
Forest Río Ibáñez for sale Chile | QR-Code
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer
yes,Commission-free Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
Frei / www.immo-suedamerika.com
Available according to agreement
Property439,84 acre
This is an indigenous forest whose trees are between 400 and 500 years old. Mañio, Coigue, Lenga, Canelo, which have a diameter between 80 cm and 1.5 meters, are internationally known trees with valuable wood.

CONAF, the Chilean government organization responsible for controlling deforestation in native forests, approved the felling of 15.4 hectares, 50 trees per hectare, for a total of 750 trees.
This means a potential income of around 300,000 euros from marketing the wood in Chile.
Abroad, this amount is three to five times higher.

The development of tourism in the Aysen - Chilean Patagonia region has enormous income potential.

The land is bordered by the Engaño River, which flows into Lago General Carrera.
The property is located in the Aysén region, Comuna de Río Ibáñez, in the heart of Chilean Patagonia. The nearest town is Bahía Murta (16 km away), known for its proximity to the picturesque Carretera Austral. Other attractions in the area include Puerto Tranquilo, just 25 km away, world-famous for its impressive marble cathedrals.

Both towns are popular with international tourists.
There are elementary school in these villages.
The nearest neighbors are 6 km from the property.
Shopping9 miles
School9 miles
Size: 178 hectares
Land type: Registered and surveyed area, digitally registered in the Chilean land register, tax-free.
Boundaries: The property is bordered by the Engaño River, which flows into Lago General Carrera, one of the largest lakes in South America.
Altitude: In the pre-Andes, with an altitude of up to 1,500 meters, about 50 km from the Andes.

The ground is an indigenous forest with 400 to 500-year-old trees, including Mañio, Coigue, Lenga and Canelo. These species are internationally renowned for their quality, with tree diameters ranging from 80 cm to 1.5 m.

Timber utilization: A CONAF permit allows the felling of 15.4 hectares (750 trees), which provides a potential income of 300,000 euros in Chile. Exports could increase the revenue three to fivefold.
Tourism: The region has great potential as a tourist destination. The untouched nature, fish-rich rivers and proximity to attractions such as the marble cathedrals make the property an excellent base for tourism projects.

No snakes or dangerous animals, which makes the region safe and attractive.
Patagonia is known for its exceptionally clean air and water reserves.
Extremely low population density: only 0.95 inhabitants per km².
Pleasant proximity to the sea (80 km) and the Andes.

This unique property offers various possibilities:

Agriculture: hardwood logging with lucrative income.
Tourism development: Ideal for lodge projects, leisure activities or nature experiences.
Private retreat: The secluded location makes it a perfect place for an exclusive retreat.
The Aysén region is a paradise for nature lovers and offers an ideal basis for sustainable, future-oriented projects.
You buy this property - plot without commission!
We have been successfully brokering real estate in Chile since 2004.

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