Solar/Photovoltaic Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Solar power plant project with 140 MWp in Bosnia

Solar power plant project with 140 MWp in Bosnia 

ID: PMn-Bil-1/1188062
#Solar #Photovoltaic #ForSale #Grahovište #FederationOfBosniaAndHerzegovina #KantonSarajevo #BosniaHerzegovina
Solar/Photovoltaic Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Solarpark mit 140 MWp in Bosnien
Solarpark mit 140 MWp in Bosnien
Solar/Photovoltaic Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | Solarpark mit 140 MWp in BosnienSolar/Photovoltaic Grahovište for sale Bosnia-Herzegovina | QR-Code

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 118 115 888,95 (≈ US$  127 943 000) 
BA-71000 Grahovište, Željeznička
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Contact owner

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Property474,43 acre
This large-scale solar power plant project in Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to achieve an installed capacity of 140 MWp, with a clear focus on generating electricity from solar energy. The estimated project value of €118,115,888.95 demonstrates the extensive investment potential and strategic importance of this project for the region and the energy sector.

The concession for the operation of the solar power plant extends over a period of 50 years, starting in 2024 and ending in 2074. The project is therefore expected to contribute to the supply of electricity and the promotion of renewable energies in Bosnia and Herzegovina for five decades.
#Grahovište #KantonSarajevo #NovoSarajevoMunicipality
The project is currently in the preparatory phase, during which the project documentation is being drawn up in order to obtain a building permit for the power plant. This means that all technical and administrative requirements for the start of construction are in full swing, making the project an excellent investment opportunity.
A nearby 400 kV line facilitates feeding into the transmission grid

Location advantages
Bosnia and Herzegovina offers ideal conditions for the use of solar energy due to its geographical location and climatic conditions. The construction of the solar power plant will enable the country to take a further step towards energy independence and the use of sustainable resources. Solar radiation in the region is consistently high and provides a solid basis for generating electricity for many decades to come.
The solar power plant project with an installed capacity of 140 MWp in Bosnia and Herzegovina offers an excellent opportunity to invest in the growing renewable energy market. With a solid financial basis, a long-term concession and an advanced project status, this project is ideal for investors looking for a sustainable and profitable future.

* High investment value: With a project value of €118,115,888.95, this project offers significant financial opportunities for investors looking to invest in renewable energy.

* Long-term concession: A 50-year concession ensures long-term planning security and stable sources of income.

* Sustainable energy: The project makes a significant contribution to increasing the share of renewable energy in the region and makes an important contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions.
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