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Offshore wind farm 420 MW on Corfu for sale
ID: PJu-GR-W420/1178270
Wind power plant for sale € 1 813 000 000 (≈ Au$ 2 937 423 000) GR-49100 Corfu Decentralized Administration of Peloponnese, Western Greece and the Ionian Sea, Greece
An offshore wind farm project off Corfu with a capacity of 420 MW is for sale. The feasibility study has been completed positively, confirming the potential and profitability of the project. A reservation of the plant is possible against a deposit, which offers investors the opportunity to secure exclusive rights at an early stage.
Capacity: 420 MW Location: Offshore off Corfu Status: Positive feasibility study Reservation: Possible against down payment
Take this opportunity to invest in a promising offshore project!
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