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2 wind turbines for sale in Germany 

ID: Pho-DE-E3/1177990

Wind power plant for sale
€ 596 000 (≈ Au$  1 000 000) net price 
DE-14778 Wollin
Brandenburg, Germany

Windkraftanlage in Deutschland zu verkaufen
Wind power plant Wollin for sale Germany | Windkraftanlage in Deutschland zu verkaufen
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Share Deal optional
yes,Commission-free Commission-free for the buyer/tenant
Frei / www.efg-immo.com
Available ab sofort
Property1,70 hectare
For sale are two Enercon E40 wind turbines (built in 1998) in Wenzlow, Brandenburg, including a 1.7 ha plot of land. The turbines each have a rated output of 500 kW and offer an attractive option for investors in the renewable energy sector.

The property is commission-free and is optionally marketed as a share deal.

Further details and 29 additional turbines are available on request.
#KreisPotsdam-Mittelmark #Ziesar
Nominal output: 500.0 kW per system
Switch-on speed: 2.5 m/s
Nominal wind speed: 12.0 m/s
Switch-off speed: 25.0 m/s
Annual yield: approx. 1.2 MWh
The turbines are ideal for repowering.

According to the manufacturer, depending on the location, repowering this type of system to 6-7 MW would be possible
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