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Battery storage power plant with 220 MWh 

ID: 1149149-BatGR-110/1149149

Battery storage power plant for sale
€ 68 000 000 (≈ Au$  110 174 000) 
GR-61100 Kilkis
Macedonia and Thrace, Greece

Batterie Speicherkraftwerk
Battery storage power plant Kilkis for sale Greece | Batterie Speicherkraftwerk
Battery storage power plant Kilkis for sale Greece | QR-Code
Direktauftrag vom Bauträger
1,5 % of the purchase price plus VAT/TAX
Available according to agreement
Property28.000 sq.m
Greece: Battery storage power plant 110 MW (storage size 220 MWh) for sale - buy capital investment. Energy balancing and fast response services

The storage power plant is turnkey.
#RegionalbezirkKilkis #CentralMacedonia #KilkisMunicipality
The site for the development was strategically selected near the existing high/medium voltage (HV/MV) substation (S/S) in Kilkis, Greece.
The purpose of the station is to provide arbitrage function (buying energy at low prices and selling at higher prices) and capacity credits (ability to meet future demand) in the national electricity transmission grid and contribute to the stabilization of its operation.

Project size: 110 MW
BESS capacity: 220 MWh
Project connection: 150 kV
Battery technology: Lithium-ion (Li-ion battery)
Service life: 20 years
Optional: RTB only for € 6,000,000
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