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- Houses for sale - 5 rooms - 147 m2 - LA GREE SAiNTHouses for sale
Living space 1582.29 sqft
3 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 160 74656120 La Gree-St-Laurent
/France - Neubau Villa in Meyreuil - Rafaels Gärten 1068018Villa / luxury real estate for sale
Living space 1668.41 sqft
Property 0.17 acre
US$ 370,19413590 Meyreuil
/France - ** Under offer** Lovely traditional Breton 3 bedroagr. area for sale
Living space 1560.77 sqft
US$ 302 75456460 Serent
/France - Houses for sale - 8 rooms - 160 m2 - GUER - (56380Houses for sale
Living space 1722.23 sqft
6 Bedroom
4 Bathroom
US$ 228 55556380 Guer
/France - Village house, 2 properties merged to 1, renovatioHouses for sale
Living space 1022.57 sqft
3 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 64 99256490 La Trinite Porhoet
/France - Houses for sale - 5 rooms - 75 m2 - PLOERMEL - (56Houses for sale
Living space 807.29 sqft
3 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 171 03756800 Ploërmel
/France - Haus Villa in Meyreuil - Rafaels Gärten 1068018Villa / luxury real estate for sale
Living space 1937.5 sqft
Property 0.19 acre
US$ 417,12013590 Meyreuil
/France - Houses for sale - 6 rooms - 147 m2 - SAiNT ABRAHAMHouses for sale
Living space 1582.29 sqft
5 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
US$ 393 74356140 Saint-Abraham
/France - Land for sale - 1 000 m2 - CARENTOiR - (56910), 33agr. area for sale
US$ 35 74556910 Carentoir
/France - Houses for sale - 3 rooms - 61 m2 - CRUGUEL - (564Houses for sale
Living space 656.6 sqft
2 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 119 15256420 Cruguel