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Usable area 140.00 sq.m
5 Room
Au$ 5 167,3281241 München
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Property 4000.00 sq.m
1 Room
Au$ 26 84381249 München
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Usable area 110.00 sq.m
4 Room
Au$ 2 097,1381243 München
/GermanyRelevance:(83.3 %) - KLEIN ABER FEIN IM 2. STOCKOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 47.00 sq.m
2 Room
Au$ 872,4081243 München
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Usable area 320.00 sq.m
4 Room
Au$ 5 368,6481243 München
/GermanyRelevance:(100 %) - AKTENLAGER, HOMEOFFICE IM UNTERGESCHOSSCompany, Commercial object for rent
Usable area 20.00 sq.m
1 Room
Au$ 770,0681247 München
/GermanyRelevance:(83.3 %)