The real estate exposed requested by you is not unfortunately any longer in our real estate directory or it is't activ.
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Usable area 1076.39 sqft
5 Room
US$ 2 509,048050 Zürich
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free - VIEL RAUM AN TOP LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
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Usable area 2066.67 sqft
Property 0.05 acre
7 Room
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/Switzerland - TOP LAGE - 20% MIETREDUKTION BIS MÄRZ 2026Office/ Practice for rent
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6½ Room
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/Switzerland - KOSMETIKSTUDIO ZUR ÜBERNAHME - AN BESTER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
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/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free - PRAXIS ODER THERAPIERAUM AN ZENTRALER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 269.1 sqft
1 Room
US$ 1 589,448048 Zürich
/Switzerland - TOP LAGE AM PARADEPLATZ - ERSTER MONAT KOSTENLOSOffice/ Practice for rent
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2 Room
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/Switzerland - CO-WORKING SPACE MIT EINZELZIMMERNOffice/ Practice for rent
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8 Room
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/Switzerland - ZENTRAL, RUHIG - MODERNOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 1108.68 sqft
7 Room
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/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free - IDEALE PRAXIS,LOFTARTIGUND NEUSTER AUSBAUSTANDARTOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 1528.48 sqft
4½ Room
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/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free
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Living space 1582.29 sqft
4½ Room
US$ 5 861,618006 Zürich
Usable area 2723.27 sqft
US$ 7 836,038050 Zürich
/Switzerland - SONNIG, TOP AUSSICHT UND MITTEN IM KREIS 2Apartments for rent
Living space 775 sqft
3 Room
US$ 4 427,718002 Zürich
/Switzerland - STILVOLL MIT AUSSICHTApartments for rent
Living space 452.08 sqft
1½ Room
US$ 2 781,518044 Zürich
/Switzerland - EXKLUSIVES LOKAL AN IDEALER LAGEBusiness premises for rent
Usable area 290.63 sqft
US$ 1 419,148046 Zürich
/Switzerland - EFFIZIENTES ARBEITEN AN ZENTRALER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 322.92 sqft
1 Room
US$ 1 793,798006 Zürich
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free - MODERN, RUHIG UND STADTNAHApartments for rent
Living space 559.72 sqft
2 Room
US$ 3 042,638038 Zürich
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(63.2 %)Commission-free - SONNIGER BALKON IN LIMMATNÄHEApartments for sale
Living space 570.49 sqft
2½ Room
US$ 1 362 3728037 Zürich
/Switzerland - SEHR GUT GELEGEN UND GROSSZÜGIGOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 1184.03 sqft
3 Room
US$ 3 818,338048 Zürich
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free - EXKLUSIVITÄT AN ZENTRALER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
3½ Room
US$ 3 178,878006 Zürich
/SwitzerlandRelevance:(100 %)Commission-free