The real estate exposed requested by you is not unfortunately any longer in our real estate directory or it is't activ.
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Usable area 15.00 sq.m
1 Room
Au$ 2 139,928002 Zürich
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Usable area 154.00 sq.m
5 Room
Au$ 9 451,338002 Zürich
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Usable area 35.00 sq.m
1 Room
Au$ 5 706,468002 Zürich
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Usable area 333.00 sq.m
Au$ 750,76/m²8008 Zürich
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Usable area 18.00 sq.m
1 Room
Au$ 2 532,248038 Zürich
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Usable area 230.00 sq.m
3 Room
Au$ 8 336,16/m²8048 Zürich
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Usable area 80.00 sq.m
Au$ 7 008,258008 Zürich
/Switzerland - FUNKTIONAL, VOLL AUSGEBAUT, TOP LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 253.00 sq.m
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/Switzerland - BEAUTY-SALON AN BESTER LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 100.00 sq.m
5 Room
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/Switzerland - VIEL RAUM AN TOP LAGEOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 282.00 sq.m
9 Room
Au$ 21 0428002 Zürich
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For a better selection of real estate use our real estate finder.
Living space 76.00 sq.m
3 Room
Au$ 1 203 7068052 Zürich
/Switzerland - TOP-MODERN, HELL UND OFFENApartments for rent
Living space 166.00 sq.m
2 Room
Au$ 7 222,248047 Zürich
/Switzerland - MODERN, RUHIG UND STADTNAHApartments for rent
Living space 52.00 sq.m
2 Room
Au$ 4 779,168038 Zürich
/Switzerland - IDYLLISCHE RUHEOASE MIT GARTENApartments for sale
Living space 85.00 sq.m
3½ Room
Au$ 2 621 4068046 Zürich
/Switzerland - ALTBAU CHARME MIT MODERNEM LUXUSApartments for rent
Living space 97.00 sq.m
3½ Room
Au$ 7 043,918037 Zürich
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Living space 72.00 sq.m
2½ Room
Au$ 6 687,268008 Zürich
/Switzerland - AN ZENTRALER LAGE MIT GARTENSITZPLATZCatering Trade, Bar for rent
Usable area 140.00 sq.m
3 Room
Au$ 9 451,338050 Zürich
/Switzerland - ARCHITEKTURJUWEL MIT GARTENANLAGEApartments for rent
Living space 278.00 sq.m
6 Room
Au$ 11 0568044 Zürich
/Switzerland - EXKLUSIV UND HOCHWERTIG MIT WEITSICHT!Apartments for rent
Living space 123.00 sq.m
3½ Room
Au$ 10 6468044 Zürich
/Switzerland - SEHR GUT GELEGEN UND GROSSZÜGIGOffice/ Practice for rent
Usable area 110.00 sq.m
3 Room
Au$ 5 997,588048 Zürich