The real estate exposed requested by you is not unfortunately any longer in our real estate directory or it is't activ.
Possibly the also following, coincidentally selected real estate offers correspond to your desires.
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- Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 27777 Ganderkesee, Alter PostwegLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 1520.00 sq.m
€ 1 250,0027777 Ganderkesee
/Germany - Haus in 27749 Delmenhorst, Jadestr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 143.00 sq.m
Property 495.00 sq.m
€ 245 00027749 Delmenhorst
/Germany - Etagenwohnung in 27749 Delmenhorst, Cramerstr.Apartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 60.00 sq.m
Usable area 16.00 sq.m
Property 2056.00 sq.m
3 Room
€ 77 00027749 Delmenhorst
/Germany - Doppelhaushälfte in 27721 Ritterhude, AmselwegHouses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 72.00 sq.m
Usable area 20.00 sq.m
Property 197.00 sq.m
€ 175 00027721 Ritterhude
/Germany - Doppelhaushälfte in 27753 Delmenhorst, RückertwegHouses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 75.00 sq.m
Usable area 22.00 sq.m
Property 418.00 sq.m
€ 180 00027753 Delmenhorst
/Germany - Doppelhaushälfte in 27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Schillerstr.Houses Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 81.00 sq.m
Usable area 19.00 sq.m
Property 698.00 sq.m
€ 165 00027711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck
/Germany - SCHARMBECKSTOTEL NEUBAU-OASELand / Lots for sale
Property 1308.00 sq.m
€ 390 00027711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 27777 Ganderkesee, Der SuhrhoopLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 20196.00 sq.m
€ 170 00027777 Ganderkesee
/Germany - Etagenwohnung in 27751 Delmenhorst, Bremer Str.Apartments Auction: estimated, market value
Living space 49.00 sq.m
Property 5504.00 sq.m
2 Room
€ 53 00027751 Delmenhorst
/Germany - Land- / Forstwirtschaft in 27777 Ganderkesee, Am JugendhofLand / Lots Auction: estimated, market value
Property 47056.00 sq.m
€ 72 00027777 Ganderkesee