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- Toskana 68 ha Farm Obst, Wald, Weiden - 1130099for sale
Property 168.03 acre
US$ 792,52856044 Pomarance
/Italy - Senigallia: Land / Lots for saleLand / Lots for sale
US$ 62,56860019 Senigallia
/Italy - Senigallia: Houses for saleHouses for sale
Living space 1894.45 sqft
Property 0.99 acre
5 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 208 560, net price60019 Senigallia
/Italy - Senigallia: Villa / luxury real estate for saleVilla / luxury real estate for sale
8 Room
4 Bathroom
US$ 391 05060019 Senigallia
/Italy - Casa colonicaHouses for sale
US$ 166,84860019 Senigallia
/ItalyCommission-free - Kapitalanlage in Solardachanlag ca. 14,3 % Renditefor sale
US$ 1,981,32098100 Messina
/ItalyCommission-free - Senigallia: Land / Lots for saleLand / Lots for sale
US$ 62,56860019 Senigallia
/Italy - Senigallia Nähe: Two-family house for saleTwo-family house for sale
US$ 417,120, net price60019 Senigallia Nähe
/ItalyCommission-free - Kleines HausHouses for sale
Living space 1474.66 sqft
Usable area 2152.78 sqft
2 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
US$ 61,52560019 Senigallia
/ItalyRelevance:(100 %)Commission-freeGardenNo parking - Toskana Kauf Landhaus Wohnung und 4 Fewo - 11778Hotels / Boarding for sale
Living space 1506.95 sqft
Usable area 5166.68 sqft
Property 3.56 acre
US$ 928,09252025 Montevarchi