Apartment complex on a beautiful south-facing slope - 1116729
ID: 1116729/1116729
#Hotels #ForSale #Montescudaio #Toscana #Pisa #Italy
Hotel Montescudaio for sale Italy | Apartmentanlage

Hotel for sale
€ 2 400 000 basis for negotiation
IT-56040 Montescudaio
Toscana, Italy
Contact owner
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer
3 % of the purchase price plus VAT/TAX
3 % / www.efg-immo.com
3 % / www.efg-immo.com
Available according to agreement
Renovation needed
Living space3.500 sq.m
Property40.000 sq.m
Apartment complex in beautiful south-facing hillside location in Montescudaio, Tuscany, ItalyWith building permit.
Existing property: 3,500sqm
New construction: 2.500sqm
Plot: 40,000sqm
Needs to be completely renovated, valuation report available
South-facing hillside location, Pisa, Tuscany, ItalyOther
Sale due to time constraintsDisclaimer
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