Solar/Photovoltaic Athen for sale Greece | Solar park 54 MWp - PPv-GR-PV54

Solar park 54 MWp - PPv-GR-PV54 

ID: PPv-GR-PV54/1104792
#Solar #Photovoltaic #ForSale #Athen #Attica #RegionOfAttica #MunicipalityOfAthens #Greece
Solar/Photovoltaic Athen for sale Greece | Solarpark
Solar/Photovoltaic Athen for sale Greece | SolarparkSolar/Photovoltaic Athen for sale Greece | QR-Code

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 18 900 000 (≈ Au$  31 709 000) 
GR-10431 Athen
Attica, Greece

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 All offers of the estate supplier
Property38,98 hectare
Greece: Solar park 54 MWp RTB
Optional: TurnKey / EUR 350,000 MWp
Lease: 20 years + option - EUR 3,000 /ha /year
Commission: EUR 9,500 / MWp
#RegionalbezirkAthen-Zentrum #RegionofAttica #MunicipalityofAthens
Leaflet | OSM
Included in the price:
- Connection costs to the electricity grid € 175,000.00 incl. all fees of the relevant authorities.
- The cost of licensing the park: € 175,000.00
- Transformer stations have already been built and connected to the park with medium-voltage cables.
- Building permit available.

68 EUR/MW Completion by 08.2024
65 EUR/MW Completion from 09.2024
Further sites in Europe on request
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