Farm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Farm with 770 ha of agricultural land - ra-770h

Farm with 770 ha of agricultural land - ra-770h 

ID: ra-770ha/1096809
#Farms #Ranches #ForSale #Pitești #Argisch #Romania
Farm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Rumäninen Farm mit 770 ha Agrarland Lagerhalle
Rumäninen Farm mit 770 ha Agrarland Lagerhalle
Farm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Rumäninen Farm mit 770 ha Agrarland LagerhalleFarm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Farm mit 770 ha Halle 2Farm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Farm mit 770 ha Agrarland AnbauFarm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | Farm mit 770 ha Agrarland FuhrparkFarm / Ranch Pitești for sale Romania | QR-Code

Farm / Ranch for sale
€ 4 500 000 basis for negotiation 
RO-110017 Pitești
Argisch, Romania

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Property770 hectare
260 hectares owned and 510 hectares leased on a long-term basis.
95% of all land is compact.
Irrigation has been started on 170 hectares for which all permits have been obtained.
The total tangible fixed assets are documented in a complete fixed asset register in the accounts.
The farm with 770 ha is located approx. 100 km south-west of Bucharest (highway)
Leaflet | OSM
The agricultural land is currently cultivated with wheat, rapeseed, sunflowers and maize. Alfalfa is cultivated according to ecological criteria on an area of 50 hectares.
All the necessary machinery is available, such as John Deere tractors, combine harvesters, etc. These machines were partly purchased with the help of EU funding.
Since 2020, a plant with European funding has been in operation to produce pellets from plant waste with a capacity of 1.2 tons per hour.
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