Solar/Photovoltaic Podgorica for sale Montenegro | Montenegro: Plot of land for photovoltaics for sale

Montenegro: Plot of land for photovoltaics for sale 

ID: PTo-MO-PV200/1088371
#Solar #Photovoltaic #ForSale #Podgorica #PodgoricaMunicipality #Montenegro
Solar/Photovoltaic Podgorica for sale Montenegro | Solarpark
Solar/Photovoltaic Podgorica for sale Montenegro | SolarparkSolar/Photovoltaic Podgorica for sale Montenegro | QR-Code

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 11 200 000 (≈ US$  12 132 000) 
ME-81000 Podgorica
Podgorica Municipality, Montenegro

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A large plot of land in Montenegro is for sale for a photovoltaic project on approx. 160 ha, with a potential output of up to 200 MWp. Feed-in is possible directly on the plot and the Montenegrin government is actively supporting the project. This offer represents a unique opportunity to invest in the renewable energy sector and realize a significant solar park in a strategic location.
Leaflet | OSM
Area: 160 ha
Capacity: up to approx. 200 MWp
Support: Government involved

Ideal for investors looking for sustainable and future-oriented projects.
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