Property Villa in Meyreuil - Rafael's gardens 1068018
ID: 1068018/F.5/1068807
#Villa #ForSale #Meyreuil #ProvenceAlpesCôteD'azur #BouchesDuRhône #AixEnProvence #France
Villa Meyreuil for sale France | Garten - Villa in Meyreuil zu verkaufen

Villa for sale
€ 360 000 (≈ US$ 390 000)
FR-13590 Meyreuil
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
€ 360 000 (≈
3,57 % of the purchase price
Available according to agreement
New building
First time use
Living space1.722,23 sqft
Property0,17 acre


Here is a place for those who are inspired by one of the most beautiful corners of the world, in the heart of nature, the feeling of well-being in harmony with the unique ambience is something for connoisseurs.The comfortable design can also be brought in with your individual wishes.
#Aix-en-Provence #Bouches-du-Rhône #МетрополияФранции
This new projected residential area is a light-floodedproperty and in a special location in Meyreuil, in the wonderful region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, which is a few kilometers from Aix-en-Provence.
Property approx: 698 m²Living space approx: 160 m²
Available from: 1.1.2024
terrace, garden, balcony, loggia
1 parking space: garage
bathroom with window, tub and shower, guest toilet
fully air-conditioned
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