Denia las Marinas Luxury finca - FINMA04-G
ID: FINMA04-G/1001496
#Pensions #HotelsGarni #ForSale #Denia #ComunidadValenciana #ElBaixSegura #LaVegaBaja #LaMarinaAlta #Spain
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Boarding / Hotel Garni Denia for sale Spain | Denia las Marinas Luxus Finca zu verkaufen

Boarding / Hotel Garni for sale
€ 3 500 000
ES-03700 Denia
Alicante, Spain

Frei /
Available according to agreement

Living space1.800 sq.m
Property41.000 sq.m
Real Estate Spain property on the Costa Blanca Denia las Marinas: Luxury finca with pool, for sale. The plot has an area of 41,000 m² Within the plot there are two buildings, one of them, the main one consists of 1,800 m² and the second, intended for the gatekeepers, consists of 400 m2. The buildings have all the necessary infrastructures (paving, water network with own well, electricity network with own transformation center, sanitation network, etc...) The main house consists of 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, kitchen, office, 3 dining rooms, 2 terraces, library, private chapel, swimming pool, garden areas, etc. The buildings are in perfect condition.
#elBaixSegura/LaVegaBaja #CostaBlanca
The farm is located 200 meters from the beachfront. The farm has several accesses to it, one by the Carretera de Las Marinas and another by the Camino de Gandia, its situation is special and totally private, because it is close to all services, as well as the sandy beach. Access to the highway in Ondara is only about 10 minutes away, right next to the La Marina Shopping Center. From the freeway, you can reach the airports of Valencia and Alicante in about 45 minutes.
Provisionsfrei kaufen - keine Käuferprovision in Spanien!Disclaimer
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