11,400 hectares cattle farm for sale - 13108-PJU
ID: 13108-PJU/1000641
#Farm #ForSale #Asunción #Paraguay
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Farm Asunción for sale Paraguay | Paraguay Estancia Rinder

Farm for sale
US$ 13 000 000
PY-1209 Asunción
Asunción, Paraguay

Frei / www.immo-suedamerika.com
Available according to agreement
Living space2.368,06 sqft
Property28.169,40 acre
Our Paraguay property offer - commission-free for you as a buyer! We are looking for a buyer - investor - farmer who would like to invest or immigrate to Paraguay for this 11,400 hectare cattle farm - estancia. The estancia is in operation and the existing staff can be taken over. There are currently 2,700 cattle on the estancia, these are included in the purchase price.220 square meter house with 4 bedrooms en suite, large living area with integrated kitchen and terrace overlooking the small lake and the estancia leaves nothing to be desired. After submitting proof of capital, you will receive a detailed exposé with 25 pages and contact with the owner is possible.Position
South America - Paraguay Data protection and discretion: The seller does not want any exact location information on the Internet.
Diese Paraguay Immobilie kaufen Sie provisionsfrei!Disclaimer
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